Pronunciation Assistance
Alrighty Beanifam, while our books and characters may make you leap for joy, we understand that some of those leaps may require extra guidance when it comes to the pronunciation department. But have no fear, we have you covered! Below are links to the visual, and more importantly, audible pronunciations of various animals referenced in our Greetings from the Beanibeings book series!
Get ready to become a pronunciation pro!
Afrocanamals – (Ah - frow - kah - nuh - muhlz)
AmeriCanamals – (Ah - meh - ruh - Kah - nuh - muhlz)
Waiinimals – (Why - nuh - muhlz)
Hoary Bat
Beanibrijes – (Bee - nee - bree - heyz)
Roseate Spoonbill
Latinimals – (Luh - tee - nah - muhlz)
*Gorget (Rainbow-Bearded Thornbill)
Tufted Coquette
Mata Mata Turtle
*Guianan (Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock)